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Google Blows with “X Phone” to Attack Apple and Samsung, Says Wall Street Journal

A report by the prestigious Wall Street Journal According to Google in the coming year to develop, in cooperation with his own hardware company Motorola’s own high-end devices to Apple and the Android market leader Samsung compete. There are no concrete numbers for the hardware it is not yet – internally to the upcoming products run under the code name “X Phone” and “X Tablet”.

Google “X Phone” and “X Tablet” – focus on camera and processing

Seven months after Google Motorola for an immense sum of 12.5 billion U.S. dollars has been successfully transferred have, an article started work to bring first joint hardware to the web. It is said that Google and Motorola to develop a smart phone that is located in the high-end sector. The device should shine in comparison to previous weaknesses of many Android phones like camera, software and quality workmanship.

It also states that Google and Motorola are experimenting with housing materials such as ceramics and flexible displays. Given that Samsung is in the process of this type displays in mass production and bring the first units in 2013 to equip it, this aspect is quite plausible. Google and Motorola have settled according Efrati aims to compete with premium hardware with Apple’s iPhone and the Android market leader Samsung.

In addition to the plans for the X Phone is obviously at a later time as an X-Tablet will be presented. This is Apple’s iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Tabs defy. Whether this is actually necessary, you can ask to be questionable in the room as the Google Nexus 7 and the Nexus has 10 already very competitive tablets on offer, which are selling very satisfactory. A product with high quality housing materials as a direct iPad competitor would still be feasible. It is not yet confirmed whether the new hardware to be marketed under the Nexus series on the market, or under a different brand. Given that Nexus has become a famous brand; it would be very obvious, even for the higher priced models use the “Nexus”.

Unlike the existing Nexus series, in which Google, in cooperation with various manufacturers of hardware works (currently the Nexus 4  of LG and the  Nexus 10 Samsung ), the search giant would have to have received direct control over the entire production process without compromise. What comes out, we will see in the course of next year. An ideal time for the presentation of these products, for example, would the Google developer conference I / O, which will be held in May 2013.

Neither Google nor Motorola have commented to date on the rumors. Too far-fetched is the story of the WSJ certainly not-what else Google will also begin with Motorola to deliver as their own hardware and of course use the patents acquired in the war against Apple?

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