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The 5 Best Apps for News Updates

Journalism is taking several exciting new turns with mobile technology offering updates from your pocket. Instead of waiting for the New York Times to land at your doorstep each morning, you can get fine-tuned news updates in real-time. Mobile apps let us customize alerts to the topics and regions we care about most. Before you head over to the app store to download all of your favorite newspapers, however, consider one of these handy apps that offer all of your sources in one easy to manage program.

Feedly: First Refuge for Google Reader Expats

Google users across the web cried out in despair at the discontinuation of beloved RSS-based Google Reader. Not only was it an intuitive and comprehensive aggregator for all of your favorite RSS feeds, but it also integrated nicely with other Google products. Integration is more and more common for Google users, so it came as a blow to news readers to learn they would have to find a third-party app.

Feedly provided the ideal transition app for former Goo

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