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Free Apps That Could Save Your Life

Do you know what to do in an emergency situation? Or do you want to add a couple more years to your life? These apps can help you aid an emergency, catch a disease early, or kick an unhealthy habit:

First Aid Free

With dozens of guides on every type of emergency, this app will help aid you in an emergency before authorities arrive. The guides can help you dress a cut, treat a burn, or even tell you what to do if someone has been electrocuted. You also don’t need to worry about available data and signal since all of the information is available offline.

Cravings Manager

Trying to kick a habit? The Cravings Manager app for the latest smartphones running the BlackBerry z10 platform can help you curb your addiction to food, cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. You select what you are craving and the level of your craving, and then you can do one of several things to survive the urge:

  • write or read a personal list of reasons why you are quitting
  • watch or listen to an inspirational song or video that encourages or distracts you
  • look at a personal photo album of family or friends that you are quitting for
  • read inspirational quotes or health facts that demonstrate why you should quit
  • Common Symptom Guide

Unlike other symptom checker apps, the Common Symptom Guide app considers patient medical history, family history and environment. You can also cross-reference symptoms to get to a faster diagnosis. Not sure what you are looking for or how to spell the disease? Three types of search options will help you get to the information you need faster. The Common Symptom Guide was made for new medical professionals who are learning how to diagnose patients, so the layout is simple and the language is easy to understand.

My Calm Beat

Did you know that stress really can lower your life expectancy? Not only does stress wear on your body, it also triggers unhealthy habits like overeating and smoking. That’s where an app the like My Calm Beat comes in. Instead of finding comfort in a pound of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes, My Calm Beat aims to teach you how to bring yourself to a calm state. The app starts by discovering your unique calm breathing rate. It recommends taking 10 minutes a day to train yourself over two weeks, but you can choose shorter sessions as well. The app’s premise is that people who learn how to be naturally calmer through breathing exercises are less stressed.

Of course, if you are struggling to overcome a moment of anxiety, another app called Simply Being will guide you through a five-minute to 20-minute meditation. Choose music, nature sounds, or silence as the app guides you through the meditation via voice and text. These two relaxing apps can work together to create a calmer you.

These are just a few apps that can save your life through information and support. What app do you rely on to stay healthy or aid you in the event of an emergency?

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